MERIT .20% 15-00-04 50%ALL-N
Fertilizer Plus Insecticide
Coverage (sq. ft.):
SRN ( lbs. per 1,000):
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This fertilizer contains MERIT® (Active Ingredient: Imidacloprid) For foliar and systemic insect control of listed pests in turfgrass (including sod farms), landscape ornamentals, fruit and nut trees, and interior plantscapes.
Pest Controlled
Annual bluegrass weevil Billbugs, Crane flies, Larvae of white grubs, such as:, Aphodius sp., Asiatic garden beetle, Black turfgrass ataenius European chafe, Green, June beetle, Japanese beetle, Northern masked chafer, Oriental beetle Phyllophaga spp. Southern masked chafer, Sugarcane beetle, Mole crickets, Chinch bugs (suppression)
This fertilizer also contains ALL-N™, a Nitrogen Inhibitor that controls nitrogen loss so your turf gets more, the environment gets less, and you get the most out of your fertilizer investment. Studies have shown that significant loss of nitrogen occurs from the soil surface when using urea fertilizers in broadcast applications. ALL-N is a urease inhibitor product that helps reduce loss of urea N as ammonia until rainfall or water can move urea into the soil. The loss of nitrogen from urea in the form of ammonia is referred to as volatilization. In laboratory tests, ALL-N coated urea reduced nitrogen volatilization from 67% to only 10%. By reducing this volatility, more nitrogen can remain in the soil longer than untreated urea.