Pre and Post Emergent Herbicides and Insecticides
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Turf Care Supply, LLC offers a variety of professional, top performing pre- and post-emergent herbicide, and insecticide products to control unwanted weeds and pests on ornamentals and turfgrass.
Pre-Emergent Herbicides
Pre-emergent Herbicides are used to prevent seed germination by suppressing a key enzyme, which is a biocatalyst for plant growth. Pre-emergent herbicides are typically applied to turfgrass in the early spring and fall, to prevent weed seed germination. They will not affect any established plants or turf but will suppress new seed growth. In the spring, they should be applied prior to seed germination, when air temperatures reach 65–70°F for four consecutive nights. For best results in the fall, they should be applied when nighttime lows reach 55–60°F for four consecutive nights.
Pre-Emergent Technologies Available:
Prodiamine Herbicide controls certain grass and broadleaf weeds before they emerge and provides season-long control in established lawns and ornamentals in the landscape. Prodiamine Herbicide inhibits weed seed germination and root development in susceptible weeds. Prodiamine Herbicide will not control established weeds.
Provides long lasting control of grass and broadleaf weeds in:
Weeds Controlled:
Barnyardgrass, Bluegrass, Annual (Poa annua) Carpetweed, Chickweed (Common)Chickweed (Mouseear, from seed), Crabgrass (Large, Smooth) Crowfootgrass, Cupgrass, Woolly Foxtails, Annual Goosegrass, Henbit, ltchgrass, Johnsongrass (from seed), Jungle rice, Knotweed, Kochia, Lambsquarter, Common Lovegrass, Panicum (Texas, Fall, Browntop), Pigweed, Purslane, Common Pusley (Florida), Rescuegrass, Shepherd's Purse, Signalgrass (Broadleaf), Speedwell, Persian Sprangletop, Prostrate Spurge, Witchgrass, Yellow Woodsorrel (from seed)
Dimension® - Dithiopyr
A Specialty Herbicide which provides pre-emergence and early post-emergence control of Crabgrass and season-long control of Crabgrass, Goosegrass, Foxtail, Spurge and Poa Annua. Will control or suppress more than 40 different annual grassy and broadleaf weeds when applied according to label directions. Low-odor and Non-Staining.
Provides control of listed annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in:
Atrazine is an herbicide that kills both broadleaf and grassy weeds. It is the second most widely used herbicide in the United States. Atrazine is most commonly used in agriculture but is highly effective on turf as well.
Post-Emergent Herbicides
Post-emergent herbicides are designed to control plants AFTER they have germinated and established in the soil. They are typically applied in the late spring or fall but can be applied throughout the season when weeds are actively growing. Post-emergent herbicides can be divided into two categories: selective and non-selective. Selective post-emergent herbicides have been engineered to target only weeds (typically broadleaf weeds), sparing most grasses and non-target plants. Non-selective post-emergent herbicides kill all plants, INCLUDING all grass types.
Post-emergent herbicides also vary in their modes-of-action. Some are systemic herbicides, which means the herbicide is typically absorbed through the root system and transported throughout the plant. Systemic herbicides slowly kill all the tissues comprising a plant, both above and below ground. On the other hand, contact herbicides are typically applied foliarly and only kill the vegetative tissue they touch. In most cases, contact herbicides either disrupt photosynthesis or chemically burn the plant (which also indirectly affects photosynthesis).
Post-Emergent Technologies Available:
A Specialty Herbicide which provides post-emergence control of over 250 broadleaf weeds including Chickweed, Clover Dandelion, Henbit, Oxalis, and Plantain. LAZER can be applied to warm and cool season turf. This herbicide enters the lawn weeds through their leaves and moves throughout the plant to provide control.
Active Ingredients:
A Specialty Herbicide which provides post-emergence control of White Clover, Dollarweed, Dandelion, Chickweed, Ground Ivy and many more. Penoxsulam can be applied to warm and cool season turf. Extremely low use rates, which help decrease the overall pesticide load in the environment.
Active Ingredient:
Insecticides are chemicals used to control insects by killing them or stopping them from engaging in destructive behaviors that harm plants or living beings. They are typically classified based on their chemical structure and mode of action.
Many insecticides control pests by effecting the insect's nervous system (e.g., cholinesterase inhibition), while others regulate the insect's growth or endotoxins.
Insecticide Technologies Available:
For systemic control of white grubs and other listed pests infesting landscape and recreational turfgrass (including golf courses) as well as landscape ornamentals, interior plantscapes and sod farms.
Active Ingredient:
Pests Controlled:
White Grubs (including Aphodius spp., Asiatic garden beetle, Black turfgrass ataenius, European chafer, Green June beetle, Japanese beetle, May/June beetles phyllophaga spp., Northern masked chafer, Oriental beetle and Southern masked chafer) Billbugs, European Crane Fly, Turf caterpillars (including armyworms, cutworms and sod webworms), Annual bluegrass weevil, Chinch bugs (suppression only)
* Chlorantraniliprole belongs to the anthranilic diamide chemical class.
An insecticide that offers insect control both above and below the ground. Combines Imidacloprid and Bifenthrin to be the only insecticide to control all major surface and subsurface feeding insects, including larvae of subsurface feeders.
Active Ingredients:
Pests Controlled:
Larvae of subsurface feeders: Asiatic Garden Beetle, Black Turfgrass Ataenius, Black Vine Weevil, European Chafer, European Crane Fly, Green June Beetle, Japanese Beetle Northern Masked Chafer Oriental Beetle, Phyllophaga spp., Southern Masked Chafer), Adults and/or larvae of subsurface and surface feeding pests (including Centipedes, Fire Ants, Fleas, Millipedes, Mole Crickets, Pilings, Ticks, Sowbugs), Adults and/or larvae of surface feeders (including Aphids, Annual Bluegrass Weevil, Billbugs, Chinch Bugs) as well as larvae of surface feeders (Armyworm, Cutworm, Sod webworms)
Merit® - (Imidacloprid)
For foliar and systemic insect control of listed pests in turfgrass (including sod farms), landscape ornamentals, fruit and nut trees, and interior plantscapes.
Active Ingredient:
Pests Controlled:
Annual bluegrass weevil Billbugs, Crane flies, Larvae of white grubs, such as: Aphodius sp., Asiatic garden beetle, Black turfgrass ataenius European chafe, Green, June beetle, Japanese beetle, Northern masked chafer, Oriental beetle Phyllophaga spp. Southern masked chafer, Sugarcane beetle, Mole crickets, Chinch bugs (suppression)
For use by individuals/firms licensed or registered by the state to apply insecticide products. For use to control ants (including imported fire ants), mole crickets and other listed pests on lawns in landscaped areas around residential, institutional, public, commercial and industrial buildings, parks, recreational areas and athletic fields.
Active Ingredient:
Pests Controlled:
Annual Blugrass Weevils (Hyperodes) (Adult), Ants, Armyworms, Billbugs (Adults), Black Turfgrass, Ataenius (Adults) Centipedes, Chinch Bugs, Cutworms, Fleas, Imported Fire Ants, Leafhoppers Mealybugs Millipedes, Mole Crickets, Sod Webworms, Ticks
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