ATRZN 1.05% 22-00-11 50%XCU
ATRZN 1.05% 22-00-11 50%XCU
Fertilizer with Atrazine Herbicide
Coverage (sq. ft.):
SRN ( lbs. per 1,000): 0.37
Unit of Measure:
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This fertilizer contains Atrazine, a widely used herbicide to control broadleaf and grassy weeds. It is primarily used in agriculture, residential lawns and golf courses, specifically in Florida and the Southeast US. A WEED & FEED FOR ST. AUGUSTINE GRASS AND CENTIPEDE GRASS LAWNS.
• Reliable and effective against a broad spectrum of weeds
• Prevents Crabgrass, Paspalums, and Spotted Spurge.
• Controls Dollarweed, Florida Pusley, Lippia, Pigweed and over forty-five more weeds as listed.
• Season-long control
• Provides pre-emergence and post- emergence activity
• Protects warm-season turf, as well as conifers and ornamentals
• Cost effective - less product and additional applications needed for desired results
This fertilizer also contains XCU® slow-release fertilizer technology. XCU® slow-release fertilizer provides gradual, steady nutritional uptake for up to 10 weeks of plant response. XCU® fertilizer has the highest nitrogen (N) content (43%) and lowest sulfur content (4%) of any polymer-coated sulfur-coated urea (PCSCU) on the market. The value is more area can be covered per application using less fertilizer, which is more efficient and economical. Also, with less N lock-off more of the applied N is taken up and utilized by turfgrass or plants in the expected time frame.