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Solubility – The Key to Plant Nutrition

September 24, 2018

Solubility – The Key to Plant Nutrition

September 24, 2018

One of the most important concepts in fertilizer chemistry and plant nutrition is “solubility.” In the plant sciences, solubility is defined as how readily nutrients are dissolved in water and can be taken up by plants. There are many factors that can affect the solubility of a nutrient, including but not limited to chemical structure, ion charge, temperature, and pressure. pH can also have a profound impact on the solubility of nutrients; this is because different types of nutrients in a solution/soil colloid will tend to attract or repel each other based on their chemical properties. Sometimes it is beneficial to fertilize plants with highly soluble nutrients; sometimes it’s detrimental. In this feature, well examine the topic of solubility in greater detail so that you have a better grasp as to how the nutrients you choose to fertilizer with will 1.) react with the environment and 2.) affect plant health. 

Before we learn more about the solubility of common fertilizer chemistries, let’s take a moment to review basic plant physiology. As we will see, if nutrients were not capable of being dissolved in water, plant life would not be possible.

salt ions in water


All higher plants (including grasses, vegetables, and trees) have a vascular system which is analogous to an animal’s circulatory system. The plant vascular system consists of two primary types of tissues that are typically bundled together: xylem and phloem. Phloemtubules carry sugar, other organic compounds and minerals around the plant. Typically, sugar is transported down to plant roots as an energy source for root growth. Xylemtubules transport water and are responsible for keeping the plant hydrated. Water is drawn from the ground into the roots where it is pulled upward through the stem, all the way to the leaf or blade, where it eventually exists through stomata. (Stomata are tiny pores on leaf blades that open and close to control the rates of water loss and gas exchange). The entire process of water being drawn through the plant is called evapotranspiration. Because water has cohesive and adhesive properties (meaning water likes to “stick” to surfaces, as well as itself), when water evaporates out through a stomate, another water molecule gets pulled into the stomate to take its place. Essentially, xylem tubes facilitate an unbroken chain of water molecules that are constantly being pulled upward through the plant. This is critical because this is how nutrients from the ground are transported to all parts of the plant; they are dissolved in the water located inside xylem tissues. In other words, nutrients that are not soluble cannot be used by plants.


Much study has gone in to determining if granular or liquid fertilizers are more effective at delivering nutrients to the plant. As it turns out, as long as the nutrient source, environmental conditions and application rate are the same, both are equally effective. When nutrients are already dissolved in water, they are immediately absorbed into the ground. In the case of granular fertilizers, if the ground is sufficiently saturated due to heavy irrigation or adequate rainfall, the same nutrients will readily dissolve at disperse into the soil in the same manner as if they were delivered in liquid form. In the case of turf, two benefits that come from liquid fertilizer applications are the immediate penetration of nutrients into the soil, as well as a more even distribution of nutrients across the soil surface. But remember, given adequate ground saturation, nutrients delivered from granules will disperse just as easily given enough time. 

As referenced earlier in this feature, solubility of nutrients can vary significantly by nutrient source, as well as temperature. Take a look at the chart below which reports the solubility of some of the more common nutrient sources in the industry. Note that in every case, as temperature increases, so does solubility.
cec soil and components graph
Most plants need more nitrogen than any other primary or secondary nutrient. Nitrogen comes in numerous forms, including but not limited to: urea (all sub-forms), ammonium (all salt forms), nitrate (all salt forms) and numerous organic sources (such as biosolids and composts). Each of these N-sources has a different degree of solubility. For example, urea is extremely soluble, which means if you drop urea granules into a beaker of water, the urea will readily dissolve. The extreme solubility of urea is beneficial because an abundant supply of nitrogen is easily delivered to plant roots in the presence of water. Unfortunately, urea’s extreme solubility can also be detrimental in situations where nitrogen is accidently over applied (which leads to burning). It is important to note that the release rate of urea (or other forms of controlled release nitrogen) in granular form can be altered by coating it with polymer, sulfur or both, HOWEVER this is a physical method of slowing down the release of nitrogen. The solubility of the urea nitrogen contained within the polymer/sulfur coating remains unchanged.  
cec soil particle size
Some fertilizer labels contain a section called: “WIN” or “Water Insoluble Nitrogen.” This refers to any nitrogen in a compound that is not readily dissolvable in water and immediately available to a plant. Over time, this nitrogen slowly becomes available raw ingredient the compound breaks down.  
Humic Substances are highly valuable soil amendments because they chelate micronutrients, retain soil moisture, and create an ideal living environment for beneficial soil microbes. It is important to note that not all humic substances are alike. Humic substances range from highly soluble fulvic acids and moderately soluble humic acids, all the way down to completely insoluble humin substances. Humins are dark and tar-like in appearance and have no beneficial properties in plant-soil systems. Make sure that if you add humic substances to your soil, you are adding mostly fulvic and humic acids. For those applying liquid products through traditional spraying and fertigation, make sure your humic substances consist of mostly fulvics and lower molecular weight humic acids. Other humic substances may not dissolve in water, which could clog spray systems.
schematic look cation exchange
Iron is an important micronutrient commonly used to give turf a dark, lush green appearance. Iron typically comes in two forms in the earth’s crust: Fe+2 (ferrous iron) and Fe+3(ferric iron). Plants prefer the ferrous form for uptake, however the ferric form is more abundant in the soil. Have you ever tried to dissolve iron oxide (rust) in water? Nothing happens- that’s because iron oxide is completely insoluble in water. Ferrous iron is quite soluble in water (hence its ability to be transported in xylem tissue), however ferrous iron is easily oxidized into the ferric form. For these reasons, iron sulfate and iron sucrate are popular forms of iron in granular fertilizer mixes. When iron is bound to a sulfate or sucrate, it becomes harder for the environment to convert it into an oxide. In order to maximize the solubility of iron in liquid fertilizers, iron-chelates are used. Chelates are extremely soluble in water; they surround the metal ion and protect it from the oxidative environment of pure water. The most common forms of chelated iron are Fe-EDTA, Fe-EDDHA, and Fe-DTPA. If you’ve ever used a liquid iron nutrient product, it more than likely contained one of the three aforementioned chelated iron complexes.

cation exchange capacity fulvic acid chelation
Lime is primarily used to balance the pH of acidic soils. Compared to the solubility of most nutrients, lime’s solubility is relatively low. Interestingly, as opposed to most nutrients, the solubility of lime decreases as temperature increases. Solubility is also affected by particle size; the finer the particle, the more soluble lime becomes. Lime typically comes in two forms: CaC03 (calcium hydroxide lime) and Ca(OH)2·Mg(OH)2 (dolomitic lime). It is important to note that in the fertilizer industry, when we say “lime,” we are actually referring to ground-up “limestone.” Pure “lime” has the chemical formulas CaO or Ca(OH)2; both of which are purified in thermolytic reactions. Pure lime is extremely soluble, hence it forms the basis of concrete products. Before applying lime to your soil, perform a soil pH test first. When applying lime, make sure to water it thoroughly into the soil, as again, limestone is not very soluble.  
For those who prefer liquid fertilizers and soil amendments, it is important to note that regardless of the relative solubility of the ingredients you use, some ingredients simply don’t mix well with others (this is chemistry 101). When ionic compounds dissolve in water, the ions disassociate. For example, when table salt (NaCl) dissolves in water, the Na+ and Cl- ions split apart from each other. In nature, pure sodium is highly reactive, and pure chlorine gas is deadly, however when dissolved in water, they are quite safe. When two different kinds of salts are dissolved in water, it is possible for the ions to perform a double replacement reaction, meaning two entirely new compounds are created. Sometimes these new compounds are insoluble, and they immediately precipitate in solution.

Many liquid products will instruct the user to perform a small scale “jar test” when mixing with other liquid products. This is to ensure that precipitates do not form, but also to ensure there are no dangerous cross-reactions. The chart below compares the compatibility of different combinations of chemistries in solution. While most chemistries are compatible, there are three distinct patterns become apparent:
  1. Most nitrates are not compatible with elemental sulfur
  2. Calcium nitrate is only moderately soluble with most compounds
  3. Straight urea doesn’t mix well with some nitrates
Whether mixing nutrients, soil amendments, or pesticides, ALWAYS read and understand the label AND perform a small-scale jar test with new combinations of ingredients before large scale tank mixing. If you have any questions or concerns, contact the product’s manufacturer before proceeding.

Solubility & Compatibility – master these two concepts and your fertilizer programs is sure to give you fantastic results whether your growing turf, ornamentals, trees, or vegetables!

For professional fertilizers, humic and AMP-XC™ enriched products available, please visit TurfCare’s online Product Catalog.
For green industry professionals or others interested in ordering Turfcare products, please contact our Customer Service to find a distributor near you.

References: Compatability and Solubility.pdf

Solubility 01 (solution in beakers) -
Solubility 02 (salt ions in water) -
Solubility 03 (evaoptranspiration) -
Solubility 04 (xylem & phloem travel) -
Solubility 05 (granular fertilizer) -
Solubility 06 (liquid fertilizer) -
Solubility 07 (urea prills) -
Solubility 08 (humic substances chart) -
Solubility 09 (EDTA iron) - http://en3img.allhaving.com
Solubility 010 (liming application) -
Solubility 011 (tank mixing) -
Solubility 012 (compatibility chart) -

Turf Care Supply - TurfReport Blog

October 9, 2024
Platte River Equity Portfolio Company Turf Care Supply, LLC Acquires Agri-Nutrients, Inc. Brunswick, OH , October 9, 2024 – Platte River Equity (“Platte River”) portfolio company Turf Care Supply, LLC (“Turf Care”) is pleased to announce its acquisition of Agri-Nutrients, Inc. (“Agri-Nutrients”), a manufacturer and blender of custom granular fertilizers for the turf & ornamental (“T&O”) industry. This strategic acquisition provides Turf Care with an established presence in the south-central United States, an enhanced product portfolio and additional manufacturing capacity. “This acquisition represents much more than a business transaction; it is a strategic step forward in expanding our reach and enhancing our customers’ growth. By bringing Agri-Nutrients into the Turf Care family, we are broadening our product portfolio, expanding our market presence and further positioning ourselves as a leader in providing innovative solutions for our customers,” said Mark Mangan, President of Turf Care. “We are excited about joining the Turf Care team,” said Jim Montgomery, President of Agri-Nutrients. “At Agri-Nutrients, our core values center around customer service and product innovation, and we are confident that this combination will allow us to better serve the needs of our customers.” “Platte River welcomes the Agri-Nutrients team to Turf Care. This transaction underscores our long-term commitment to fostering growth through both organic and inorganic initiatives across the Turf Care platform,” said Tarun Kanthety, Vice President of Platte River. “The partnership with Agri-Nutrients strengthens Turf Care’s value-added offering, creating additional growth opportunities across the combined customer base.” B&A Corporate Advisors served as the exclusive financial advisor to Agri-Nutrients. About Agri-Nutrients Founded in 1992 and based in Catoosa, OK, Agri-Nutrients is a manufacturer and blender of custom granular fertilizers for the T&O industry, predominantly selling into the lawn care, sports turf and golf course end markets. About Turf Care Supply Established in 1974, Turf Care Supply is one of the largest formulators and blenders of urea products to the T&O market. Turf Care has a comprehensive product portfolio of fertilizers, combination products (herbicide/insecticide), soil amendments and enhanced efficiency fertilizer ingredients. Turf Care's products are sold to distributors and blenders serving the commercial, residential and golf end markets. Turf Care operates four manufacturing facilities strategically located throughout the eastern U.S. About Platte River Equity Founded in 2006 and based in Denver, CO, Platte River Equity is a private equity firm focused on investments in established lower middle market operating companies within targeted industrial sectors where it has substantial operating and investing experience. Platte River utilizes prudent capital structures in order to invest in future growth opportunities and withstand changing economic environments. The firm also provides significant ongoing support to its portfolio companies through dedicated resources across functional areas. The firm has raised funds with committed capital in excess of $1.6 billion and is currently investing out of its fifth fund. The Platte River team is the largest collective investor across its funds, deeply aligning the firm with its investors and portfolio company management teams.
October 4, 2024
Dear Valued Industry Partners and Customers,  We are pleased to announce that Turf Care Supply, LLC has acquired Agri-Nutrients, Inc. (October 1, 2024) a respected manufacturer in the turf and ornamental fertilizer industry. This acquisition marks a significant step forward in our commitment to providing you with an expanded range of innovative products, services, and industry expertise, all designed to support your business’s continued growth and success. As a valued partner or customer, you will benefit from enhanced service capabilities and an extended geographic reach, thanks to Agri-Nutrients, Inc.’s strategic facility located in the Port of Catoosa, Oklahoma. With this established presence in the Southwest and Western markets, Turf Care Supply, LLC’s expanded operational footprint will allow us to serve a broader region with greater efficiency, delivering even stronger support to help drive your business forward. We are dedicated to ensuring a seamless transition while maintaining the high standards of service you expect. If you have any questions or would like to explore how this new location can enhance your operations, please feel free to contact your account manager or our customer service team. Thank you for your continued trust in Turf Care Supply, LLC. We look forward to partnering with you as we grow together and continue supporting your success. Sincerely, Mark Mangan President Turf Care Supply, LLC
September 28, 2023
With a focus on providing sustainable manufacturing and reducing carbon emissions, Turf Care Supply has embraced the electric power market with the latest mobile equipment upgrades. Completed in June 2023, TCS received all deliveries of electric forklifts to all three manufacturing facilities, including Hatfield, MA, Martins Ferry, OH and Sebring, FL.
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